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introducing la cire


Hello there, we are :

Shyam Padalia, Ishita Kamani, Agam Shah, Dhanraj Khetani & Priyanka Ramnani. Our company's name is ADIPS we make all natural skin friendly products that will make your life easy. Today we are launching our new product named La Cire which is a skin friendly and non-toxic product which is made from natural ingredients which will help your glasses to stay in place and not fall from your faces.


Get To know us personally:-

Shyam Padaliya(Leader)

Hey, Im shyam the co-founder of LA CIRE.

My hobbies are listening to music, playing guitar. technology,

watching SIFI movies, going for adventures.

I like learning more about technology it always amazes me

when i learn new programming related things.

I want to start my own business and become an entrepreneur.


Ishita Kamani

Hey, Im Ishita the co-founder of LA CIRE.

My hobbies are listening to music, playing keyboard,

watching suspense movies , baking .

I like playing keyboard because the knowledge of keyboard

, the songs , and everything is just awesome.

I want to pursue my career in hospitality management.



Priyanka Ramnani

Hey , Im Priyanka the co-founder of LA CIRE.

My hobbies are Swimming , working out, and baking.

I like swimming more because swimming

give me peace it gives me relaxation.

I want to pursue my career in Chartered Accounting.



Agam Shah

Hey, Im Agam Shah the co-founder of LA CIRE.

My hobbies are reading books, adventure, watching movies.

I like reading books because it gives me a

scope of improving my vocabulary, and helps to

increase my general knowledge.

 I want to pursue my career in engineering.


Dhanraj Khetani

Hey, Im Dhanraj the co-founder of LA CIRE.

My hobbies are reading books, listening to music ,

learning new technologies.

I want to become a Chartered Accountant.



Our Story

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

Our group was result to our commerce group project named as IPMC wherein we have to make innovative products and market them as if we were going to launch them the next day. We came up with this product as we all faced the same problem of falling ans slipping glasses from our faces. Then we started researching about how we can solve this problem and here we are with La Cire. In all IPMC was a great chance and platform to show our skills and project our passion for commerce. While IPMC we learned many new skills and the main was how to work in Team as a group and get the work done on time. IPMC was a great journey and like a highway with many bumps and few curves. But as after it ended we believe that we are changed totally as a person and got several of skills now packed in our brain which will be with us for our whole life.

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